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Sand Dunes

Inspirational Writings: Discover your DESTINY

How can written materials inspire someone's life-long search to find his or her 'Calling'? I believe that each of us can discover any number of purposeful endeavors to give direction and meaning to our lives. Our written content explores concepts intended to prompt deep introspection, challenging individuals to contemplate their values, aspirations, and beliefs. The materials provide frameworks for understanding one's place in the world and the potential paths that lie ahead.

Deep in our hearts, many of us sense a vague feeling of 'missing something' in our lives, often accompanied by feelings of discontent, imbalance, malaise, or discord. So, where do we turn for answers? Often, we look outward, seeking solutions from external sources. Isn't that what we were all taught? To look for solutions by seeking new things, new experiences, and external validation. But isn't this approach backwards? Searching externally for answers that reside quietly within our hearts is a flawed strategy destined for failure. Instead, each of us must turn inward to uncover our individual answers.

For most of us, life barrels along until we hit a brick wall, experience a life crisis, or find ourselves on a roller-coaster of emotional implosions. That's when we hang on for dear life, hoping to emerge stronger and more resilient than before. Yet, as we soon realize, there's no easy fix or quick solution. We may hope for a simple fix or instant remedy, but real solutions require time, effort, and perseverance. Difficulties must be faced with realistic expectations and a willingness to put in the necessary work to overcome them. Every difficulty holds an opportunity for growth and transformation, akin to finding a pony at the bottom of a well.

The imagery of finding a pony, a symbol of joy or fortune, at the bottom of a well, which is typically associated with darkness or confinement, underscores the notion of finding unexpected goodness in unlikely places. The image encourages optimism, resilience, and the belief that there is hope even in challenging circumstances.

As you delve into these writings, allow yourself to forge a heartfelt connection with our characters' life experiences. Encourage your heart to truly empathize with their emotions and reactions. Slow down. Take the time to uncover the similarities you share. Pay careful attention, for language holds significant power. 

The process of emotional growth and healing works from within oneself. It comes from one's own thoughts, feelings, and actions. It's an "inside job."


Inspirational Writings

Immersion Explorer's Camp ... 'Healing from the Inside Out' is a stand-alone manual designed to launch an individual's journey of emotional healing. An Immersion Explorer is anyone who courageously wants to receive the 'gift of emotional resonance' by dropping out of their head and into their heart -  a gift that only you can give to yourself. This manual examines emotionally unhealthy attitudes & residual patterns that no longer serve our intrepid protagonist's search for her soul's essence.

Estimated Release Date -   September 30th

Give your HEART a Voice ... 'A Companion's Guide to Therapeutic Finger Puppets' is designed to introduce the amazing practice of Self-Therapy, a critically vital aspect to develop emotional equanimity & self-regulation. Counselors, Parents, Teachers, Special Ed Teachers, Pre-school Personnel, Physicians & Medical Personnel, Hot-Line Volunteers & Mental Health Personnel can benefit professionally from incorporating Therapeutic Finger Puppets into their daily practice.

Children, as young as the age of 4, can easily grasp the concepts of kindness, compassion, & dignity.  'Companion Guides' for three levels of childhood into adolescent development (ages 4-8, 9-12, & 13-18) will be written, designed to 'shadow' the adult version.  

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Secrets to Emotional Freedom ... 'Making Friends with your Finger Puppet' delves deeply into a range of emotional blockades, thick with resistant attitudes. Our protagonist is 'unaware' emotionally - one who scoffs at the notion that introspection, self-reflection, and emotional evolvement are integral aspects of living a meaningful, fulfilling life. The mere concept of 'emotional freedom' baffles his mind.

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Wings of Compassion describes the Therapeutic Journey of Emotional Healing...with a dash of Magic. Written as a 3-Season mini-series, each season carries its own unique flavor. Unresolved issues flow from one season into the next, just like life. 

Season #1: 'Seeking Joy' ➠ focuses on character development. 
Season #2: 'Sanctuary' ➠ dives deeper into life-altering events, experiences, & catharsis. 
Season #3: 'Destiny' ➠ explores the 'black holes' that can reside in all of our hearts, the trilogy's finale.

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